Thursday, May 9, 2013

"I Believe..."
       "I Believe..."that I can do anything I put my mind too. Often times I have been told that I can't do something because there are better, stronger, faster people than me. No matter where I start at, I can and I will end up where no one has.
        I am not saying that I am good at everything. Rather I am saying that with much training and determination I can conquer and do just about anything. Some people criticize me for my over confidence in myself, but I think it is better to be over confident in yourself than to not be confident at all. Also on the other hand I  have people encouraging me and boosting me up to do better and reach greater heights. 
        "I Believe..."weather it is in school, sports, or life if you Believe that you can over come and conquer you can achieve, and that is what I Believe. If you are one of those people that boost me up and encourage me, I really appreciate it and hope you succeed at whatever it is you want to. Also that you know that with determination, work, and even sometimes help anything can be done.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


If you are enjoying my blog be sure to check out News on Lebron James by Cal. Also bringing whats fresh in sports is Basketball and other things by Casey Croy. He has a great website. Also one of my favorite sports  blogs that you must check out is Grand Slam by Justin Thompson.

Monday, April 29, 2013

If I could cure one disease it would be Blood Clots

Blood clots are very fatal especially when around the Heart and lung. Blood Clots are  a semisolid gelatinous mass of coagulated blood that consists of red and white blood cells and platelets in a fibrin network. 

1. Blood clots can not be removed or cleared. They have to dissolve  in the blood on there own which can take many weeks.

2. There is only medicine to help prevent them from getting worse once you get a clot which is Warfarin which is Coumadin.

3. When their is a blockage of 60% or more in an artery of the heart surgeons can go in and put a stent to open up the artery to prevent more heart attacks in due to that artery. There are other surgeries for blood clots depending on how severe they are.

4.Blood clots can  occur just about anywhere in the body.

 5. Blood clots are most fatal around the heart and lungs.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Vote For Neverland

I think that you should vote for Neverland  to be the Dessert Dance theme. I think it would be great  especially for our class because we have such a imaginative class. I think that you would like it because you can be creative with the theme. As far as decorations go you can just be creative with them.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Kobe Tore His Acchicles

Kobe Bryant tore his Achilles tendon Friday night playing against the Golden State Warriors. He tore it by doing a move he has done so many times before. He had a successful surgery Saturday morning to repair the torn tendon. There is some talk about him just retiring this year instead of playing one more season. Kobe says that he will try as hard as he can after the healing to get back and play for at least one more season before retiring. They don't know exactly how he will do it with his age, he is getting kind of old for the NBA at 34 years old. This season was his 16th season to play in the NBA with the Lakers.

This is the step he made that tore his Achilles.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Kobe Bryant Retiring Next Year

Kobe may be retiring after next season he says. Tell me what you have to say about this. More to come about this later.                                                                              


I'm thinking about buying these. Tell me how you like them